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X-treme Activities @ PlanetCRuSH!!!

Posted by Mr.Keropok on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 , under | comments (0)

The June school holidays went by so quickly, it was almost impossible to believe that there were so many activities happening at our Cyber Wellness Center - The PlanetCRuSH.

Members of the PlanetCRuSH participated in the holiday activities aimed at getting them away from the cyberworld into"RL" (Real Life) or Real World.

Our youths had fun learning a new sport, Handball, and enjoyed the outdoors through a sandcastle building experience.

The sandcastle building experience had taught me to work well with people in my group. Building a sandcastle needs a lot of hardwork and teamwork is the most important thing to build a good sandcastle. I want to bring my parents down to build sandcastle together. - Yue Ming, 16

In the PlanetCRuSH Edition of the Amazing Race, the youths worked in groups, solving clues and discovering new things about Singapore as they traveled from Bukit Merah Central to Chinatown and all the way to the Esplanade.
Many made new friends and encountered new experiences through these activities.

If you have missed the "X-treme" activities this June, fret not! There'll be more of these in the pipeline for the December holidays.

Look out for our E-Sports Competition, X-treme Camp, and many more upcoming programmes!

For those who were part of the X-treme Activities June 2009, do share about your experience with others by leaving your comments.